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For more on U.S. termites and damage please go to my other website below
CO1 Bayesian Tree by Tiago Carrijo
(Updated 2JUL24)
West Indies Cryptotermes revision 1999

Collection Locality Map

Top: Macrotermes AFR42, Mid: Syntermes SA270, Bot: Anoplotermes PN739
Species by Genera
Species by genera*
The soldier caste possesses the most robust and diagnostic external characters for termite identification. Unlike imagos, soldiers are present year around although in some species they are rare. In the soldierless species of the Apicotermitinae or when a soldier is not collected, the worker enteric valve is the single most diagnostic morphological character. In some cases, the external morphology of workers in soldierless taxa is useful for identification
* I thank Liam Lynch and Hollis Woodard for generating many of photographs taken after 2011.
Enteric valves by genera
Enteric valves by genera
No soldiers are known for the Apicotermitinae with the exception of the Apicotermes group (all from tropical Africa) and the Speculitermes group (all from Asia). HW = worker head width (mm).
*All names preceded by an "x" are preliminary names and cannot be used until I or someone else describe these taxa. I thank Dr. Ebenezer Onagbola for generating many of these photographs.
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